260 Drum Machine Patterns

the only thing i don't like so much about this, is that it r has two arguments, this is an easy fix though if one prefers the parameter grouping notation:

r :: Pattern String -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
r x p = do
        (n, i) <- fmap split x 
        _r n i p
		where split :: String -> (String, String)
		      split s = (\(x,y) -> (x, if y == "" then y else tail y)) $ (break (==':') s)

then you can write r "<funk7c:hh afro1a:hh afro1b:hh>" $ s "efmhhclose" # gain 0.9,

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Hi. I'm late to this party, and just want to add two comments:

  1. when I was reading
  setI "i" $ 0    -- i = hihat
  setI "s" $ 10   -- s = snare
  setI "k" $ 4    -- k = kick

I thought - wait, I know those letters ... cf. The SKI Combinator Calculus a universal formal system

  1. describing (drum) patterns is one goal, another ist deriving them (from basic patterns, by transformations that make them more interesting). I found this reference Nick Collins: Algorithmic Composition Methods for Breakbeat Science, 2001
    https://composerprogrammer.com/research/acmethodsforbbsci.pdf (probably I found it someplace on this very forum here ...)

wow I love that title!