A way to control grouped elements parameters individually with mininotation?

@jwaldmann thanks for the help. i was able to get the following modifications added to the top of my boot file and load tidal with no errors. i went ahead and removed the Data.List imported via :m module, as well.

:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set prompt ""

import Sound.Tidal.Context

import Sound.Tidal.Bjorklund (bjorklund)

import qualified Data.List as L

import Data.List hiding (union)

import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdout, utf8)
hSetEncoding stdout utf8

:m +  Data.Maybe

:m + Sound.Tidal.Utils

it didn't like any of the various ways i tried calling into scope L.inits or L.tails. i checked this page in the docs but it doesn't quite specify the syntax required.

I'm glad to hear. So, problem solved?

This is indeed a typical way of handling conflicts: hide from unqualified view, and make available in qualified view:

yes, it seems to be working just fine now. i was just unclear on whether or not the inits and tails part of your instructions were required to import the library properly.

all the various ways i tried writing the above into the boottidal file resulted in an error of some sort.

ah sorry, "then write L.inits" was meant to show example usage only.

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gotcha! well, in any case i do appreciate your guidance on this. slowly becoming less scared of haskell one boottidal line at a time :slight_smile: