this is a cool challenge! I love re-making stuff in code recently.
Here's some Britney spears using seqP loop
let notePat = toScale [0,7,14,7,12,7,0,12] "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
notePat2 = toScale [0,7,12,7,12,7,12,7] "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
notePat3 = toScale [0,3,12,3, 10,3,7,3] "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
-- soundPat = s "bulmasy:3" #sus 0.4 #rel 0.4
soundPat = s "midi1"
-- soundPat = s "superpiano"
-- verse
d1 $ slow 1 $ seqPLoop [
-- right hand
(0,1, note ("~ [~ g5] g6 [ds6 f6]" ) # soundPat),
(2,3, note ("~ [~ g5] g6 [ds6 d6]" ) # soundPat),
-- left hand
(0, 1, note (notePat ) # soundPat |+| note "ds4"),
(1, 2, note (notePat ) # soundPat |+| note "as4" ),
(2, 3, note (notePat ) # soundPat |+| note "ds4"),
(3, 4, note (notePat ) # soundPat |+| note "c5" )
-- prechorus bit
-- resetCycles;
d1 $ slow 1 $ seqPLoop [
-- right hand
(0,1, note ("~ [g5, as5, d6] [as5,d6,g6] [[g5, as5, d6] [g5, as5, ds6]]" ) # soundPat),
(2,3, note ("~ [g5, as5, d6] [as5,d6,g6] [[g5, as5, d6] [g5, as5, ds6]]" ) # soundPat),
(3,4, note( "[~ [g5, as5, ds6]] [~ [g5,as5,f6]] [~ [g6 f6]] [ds6 ds6]") #soundPat),
-- left hand
(0, 1, note (notePat2) # soundPat |+| note "g3"),
(1, 2, note (notePat2) # soundPat |+| note "ds3" ),
(2, 3, note (notePat2) # soundPat |+| note "g3"),
(3, 4, note (notePat2) # soundPat |+| note "ds3" )
--- chorus how to transition from the above bit?
d1 $ slow 1 $ seqPLoop [
-- right hand
(0,1, note ("~ [[ds6,g6,as6] [ds6,g6,as6]] [ds6,g6,as6] [[as5, ds5, g6] [as5, d6, f6]]" ) # soundPat),
(1,2, note ("~ [[d5,f5,as5] [d5,f5,as5]] [~ g6] [~ [c6, ds6, g6]]" ) # soundPat),
(2,3, note ("~ [[c6, ds6, g6] [c6, ds6, g6]] [~ [g5,c6,ds6]] [~ [g5,as5,d6]]") # soundPat),
(3,4, note( "~ [[g5,as5,d6] [g5,as5,d6]] [~ as5] [c6 [ds5, gs5,c6]] ") #soundPat),
(4,5, note ("~ [~ gs5] [ds5,gs5,c6] [as5, c6, ds6]" ) #soundPat),
(5,6, note ("[f5, as5, d6] [f5, as5, d6] [as5, c6, ds6] [as5, c6, f6]") #soundPat),
-- left hand
(0, 1, note (notePat) # soundPat |+| note "ds4"),
(1, 2, note (notePat) # soundPat |+| note "as3" ),
(2, 3, note (notePat) # soundPat |+| note "c4"),
(3, 4, note (notePat3) # soundPat |+| note "g3" ),
(4, 5, note (notePat) # soundPat |+| note "gs3") ,
(5, 6, note (notePat2) # soundPat |+| note "f3")