Convert a pattern of booleans into a list of ones and zeroes


I want to use binaryN to create a list of ones and zeroes that I can subset.

I want to this...

  let amps = [1,1,0,1,0,1]
    $ s "superfm"
    # amp1 (amps !! 0) 
    # amp2 (amps !! 1)
    # amp3 (amps !! 2)
    # amp4 (amps !! 3)
    # amp5 (amps !! 4) 
    # amp6 (amps !! 5) 
    # ratio1 1
    # ratio2 0.99
    # ratio3 0.88
    # ratio4 0.77
    # ratio5 0.66
    # ratio6 0.55

...using a list created by binaryN

  let amps = binaryN 6 123
    $ s "superfm"
    # amp1 (amps !! 0) 
    # amp2 (amps !! 1)
    # amp3 (amps !! 2)
    # amp4 (amps !! 3)
    # amp5 (amps !! 4) 
    # amp6 (amps !! 5) 
    # ratio1 1
    # ratio2 0.99
    # ratio3 0.88
    # ratio4 0.77
    # ratio5 0.66
    # ratio6 0.55

I’m away from where I can test this right now, but you should be able to do:

let amps = bool 0 1 <$> binaryN 6 123

That did not work, unfortunately.

I got this error message

Variable not in scope: bool :: t0 -> t1 -> Bool -> b

I really need to learn Haskell

You could do:

onezero boolpat = stitch boolpat 1 0


onezero $ binaryN 6 123

Thanks! This works for generating a pattern 1s and 0s. But is it possible to create a list using this function? I trying to create a list of 1s and 0s that I can subset.

When I put square brackets around the function it only contained one element.

Sorry about that. You’ll need to import Data.Bool

The function I provided works with any Bool, and fmap (seen as <$>) works with any Functor, so you can use it on a list just the same as you’d use it on a tidal pattern.

Great! Thanks @mvdirty! I got the brilliant idea to upgrade macOS, so now nothing works. I will try this out later

I got it to work. Thanks again @mvdirty and @yaxu!

I also used patternToList function from this thread:

mvdirty's solution:

import Data.Bool  

import Data.List

      booleans = bool 0 1 <$> binaryN 6 "123"
      patternToList pat = map value $ sortOn whole $ queryArc pat (Arc 0 1)
      amps = patternToList booleans    
    $ s "superfm"
    # amp1 (amps !! 0)
    # amp2 (amps !! 1)
    # amp3 (amps !! 2)
    # amp4 (amps !! 3)
    # amp5 (amps !! 4)
    # amp6 (amps !! 5)
    # ratio1 1
    # ratio2 0.99
    # ratio3 0.88
    # ratio4 0.77
    # ratio5 0.66
    # ratio6 0.55

Yaxu's solution:

import Data.List

  let onezero boolpat = stitch boolpat 1 0
      booleans = onezero $ binaryN 6 123
      patternToList pat = map value $ sortOn whole $ queryArc pat (Arc 0 1)
      amps = patternToList booleans    
      $ s "superfm"
      # amp1 (amps !! 0)
      # amp2 (amps !! 1)
      # amp3 (amps !! 2)
      # amp4 (amps !! 3)
      # amp5 (amps !! 4)
      # amp6 (amps !! 5)
      # ratio1 1
      # ratio2 0.99
      # ratio3 0.88
      # ratio4 0.77
      # ratio5 0.66
      # ratio6 0.55

I'm planning to add more lists of 1s and 0s to create random noise using superfm