Could not find Sound.Tidal.Context

What Operating System are you using? Understanding the distribution you're installing on will help immensely!

I'm not sure of @yaxu's best troubleshooting procedure, but if you have no other haskell/cabal/ghc/supercollider usage, then the nuke option I find is relatively effective:

As your user (no need to sudo):

$ rm -rf ~/.ghc ~/.cabal ~/.local/share/SuperCollider ~/.config/SuperCollider

in your case, it sounds like your issue is solely requiring the .ghc and .cabal dirs removed to start again - this wipes out all the "userspace" stuff that gets setup by your cabal update/install commands, and can occasionally leave you in this dependency hell that you're experiencing.

If you are using any of ubuntu 20.04/Mint 20/debian 10, then I would recommend having a look at this installer process I'm working on, which takes care of all the heavy lifting for you (you will still want to nuke your directories above though before running):

(Older distros are passing, but I'm still not 100% sure of ansible module version capability - working on that verification right now :slight_smile: )