Error: Question

Hi there, I've been copying the same patterns Alex used in his videos but for some reason they seem to create error messages - although I've checked many times that I've copied it perfectly...

1st pattern error:

d1 $ every 3 (fast 2) $ sound “bd sd ~ cp”
d1 $ sound “bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]”
d2 $ every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5) $ sound “bd sd [~ bd]”

for these the error message reads: lexical error at character 'b'

2nd pattern error:

d3 $ every 4 rev $ every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5)

for this one the error message reads:

• Couldn't match expected type ‘Pattern ControlMap’
with actual type ‘Pattern ControlMap -> Pattern ControlMap’
• Probable cause: ‘every’ is applied to too few arguments
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘every 3 (# squiz 5)’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5)’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘every 4 rev $ every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5)’

3rd pattern error:

d2 $ jux rev $ sound "sax(3,8)" # legato 1 # n 3
  # note "<[9 7] 5 [9 12]>" # djf 0.7 # sz 0.4 # room 0.4

for this one: the first line works fine when i play it, the second line reads this error message: parse error on input ‘#’

  • for this one im wondering what djf and sz mean? if they are like effects or something i have to download first?

sorry if these are silly/simple questions, promise im not a time waster just can't figure it out myself..

Hi @lucyjp786, all questions always welcome as they help future people who hit the same issues!

The first one: This is subtle but tidal only likes double quotes that look like " and in yours you have s. Some software 'helpfully' converts from plain " to these other quotes which then confuses tidal.

The 2nd pattern has something missing - it's applying functions and effects but it's missing something like a sound pattern. Maybe you're missing a following line from it? For example this should work:

d3 $ every 4 rev $ every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5)
  $ sound "bd cp sd cp"

The third pattern looks fine, the problem is that you need to run the lines together - that's just one pattern going over two lines. This is true of the previous pattern as well which might be where the confusion is stemming from.

You can do this with ctrl-enter (I think it's a different combo, maybe apple-enter on a mac) rather than shift-enter. I run through this in this video: Week 1 lesson 1 - Tidal interaction

Yes they're effects - 'djf' is short for 'dj filter', for cutting out higher/lower frequencies in the sound depending on whether the numbers you give it are under or over 0.5. The 'sz' is short for room size and is part of the reverb effect. They're effecting the 'sax' sound in the line above.

Got it, thank you so much!

How would I play these following lines at the same time? I'm trying to make a shephard tone -
(cpu is not the right choice just getting the pattern right then I will look for samples that go up and down in pitch, or review how to change the pitch from your lessons..) This is what I've got so far..

d1 $ n "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" # sound "cpu2"
d2 $ rev $ n "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" # sound "cpu2"

Something to do with the fact there are two 'sounds', which is why it won't play them together, right?

If you make sure there's a blank line between then they should both run fine

Shepard tones are great!