How to trigger a pattern reliably from the start?

awesome! didn't know about qtrigger and trigger!!
regarding applying nudge globally and to each pattern, remember that using the '#' operator sets the parameter, so if you use it on individual patterns and on all only one would take effect (I think?). On that case you should use another operator on one of the instances. For example:

d1 $ s "bd*4" # nudge 0.9 -- here I'm setting the nudge for this pattern
d2 $ fast 2 $ s "~ sn" # nudge 0.4 -- different value

all $ (|+ nudge 0.2) -- here I'm adding 0.2 to the nudge param. 
-- So on the case of d1, that would result in # nudge 1.1 and in the case of d2 that would be a nudge of 0.6