Is there a built in MIDI num to frequency function?

SuperCollider, along with many other music DSLs have some kind of mtof function, I'm wondering if there is any out-of-the-box Tidal equivalent. I imagine it won't be too hard for me to build this if not, but I have a feeling it already might exist.

Do you want a mtof function to trigger, say, instruments such as supergong and similar giving them frequency so you can have in-between temperate notes?

That's an interesting idea, but what I had in mind was patterning pitches generated from the feedback you get when you crank the resonance of a filter, e.g.,

d2 $ struct "1101 0010"
    $ s "print" # n (run 16) # leg 0.3
    # krush 12
    # lpf "[440 880] 660 330 550" -- "[a4 a5] e5 e4 cs5"
    # lpq 0.8

*edited to give a clearer example

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I guess that perhaps there isn't anything built in.

Fwiw, this seems to work, although there might be a better way

mtof n = 440.0 * (2 ** ((n + 3)/12))

This will let me pattern pitches like so:

d2 $ struct "1101 0010"
    $ s "print" # n (run 16) # leg 0.3
    # krush 12
    # lpf  (mtof <$> "[a4 a5] e5 e4 cs5")
    # lpq 0.8
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