Is there some way to get a "negative" whenmod?

whenmod n m f will apply f when the cycle number `mod` n > m. Is there some simple way to do the opposite, i.e., apply f when the cycle number `mod` n <= m?

whenmod n m f is defined ( via the more general when:

when (\ t -> mod t n >= m) f

so one could copy this definition, and change the condition, to when (\ t -> mod t n < m) f.

Also, I think something like this should hold

opposite-whenmod n m f = rotL (n-m) . whenmod n (n-m)  f . rotR (n-m)

but that's perhaps more tricky than useful.

NB: the dot is for function composition, (f . g . h) x means f $ g $ h x

Thanks for the reply.

opposite-whenmod n m f = rotL (n-m) . whenmod n (n-m) f . rotR (n-m) gives me a type error for the 2nd arg of whenmod (it wants Int not Time).

And this is maybe a good opportunity for me to ask my other question. . . My approach to a reverse whenmod was literally to reverse the pattern before and after whenmod. I was thinking along these lines:

whennotmod n m f = outside n rev . whenmod n (n-m) f . outside n rev.

But I end up with a similar type error on the the 2nd arg of whenmod (wants Int not Pattern Time). I haven't been to correctly cast that argument, but I assume this should be possible.

Sorry. I only tested with concrete numbers, not variables, so this works:

 oppwhenmod83 f = rotL (8-3) . whenmod 8 (8-3) f . rotR (8-3)

With variables:

oppwhenmod n m f = rotL (fromIntegral $ n-m) . whenmod n (n-m) f . rotR (fromIntegral $ n-m)
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This works

whennotmod n m f = outside (pure $ fromIntegral n) rev . whenmod n (n-m) f . outside (pure $ fromIntegral n) rev
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Thanks - I had tried fromIntegral, but it was pure that I was missing

I've using this:
whenmod' n m f = rotL (fromIntegral $ n-m) . whenmod n (n-m) f . rotR (fromIntegral $ n-m)
quite a lot in my code recently.

But when I updated from1.6.1 to 1.7.2, this seems to have broken. I get the following error:

• No instance for (Integral (Ratio Integer))
    arising from a use of ‘fromIntegral’

Could anyone offer a suggestion? Nothing I've tried has worked.

Now, I have an idea related to this topic.

-- "negative" whenmod / apply f when the cycle (< b)
whenmod' :: Pattern Time -> Pattern Time -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
whenmod' a b f pat = innerJoin $ (\a' b' -> _whenmod' a' b' f pat) <$> a <*> b
_whenmod' :: Time -> Time -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_whenmod' a b = whenT (\t -> ((t `mod'` a) < b ))
-- apply f when the cycle between b and c
betweenmod :: Pattern Time -> Pattern Time -> Pattern Time -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
betweenmod a b c f pat = innerJoin $ (\a' b' c' -> _betweenmod a' b' c' f pat) <$> a <*> b <*> c
_betweenmod :: Time -> Time -> Time -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_betweenmod a b c = whenT ( (\t -> ( (t `mod'` a) < b ) && (t `mod'` a) >= c )) 


resetCyclesTo (-0.05)
d1 $
  (# s "gtr") .(# legato 1) $
  whenmod 8 6 (const $ slow 2 $ arp "up" $ note "f'maj9'o") $ -- 6, 7
  betweenmod 8 6 4 (const $ note "[-12,0,4,7,11,19]") $ -- 4 , 5
  whenmod' 8 2 (const $ fast "<4 8>" $ note "c'maj9") $ -- 0, 1
  note "0 4 7 11 2 6 <9 11> <14 16>" -- 2 ,3
d2 $ s "<bd cp sd cp>"