Live recording into tidal - getting audio input working

What @mncmncmnc says is absolutely correct. There is even a thread about audio interfaces here in the forum

But whether you use an USB microphone, a webcam, an onboard microphone or an audio interface, the audio device must be available in SuperCollider. I also believe (hope) that the default device is used without further configuration. You can check this as follows:

  1. Open SuperCollider
  2. Start the server
  3. Open under Server -> Show Server Meter a window with the inputs and outputs

Now you can speak into your microphone and should be able to see an audio level (in green) like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-03 um 23.16.29

In the above example I have an input signal on port 1 and need to specify the input number in TidalCycles like

d1 $ s "looper" # linput "1"