MIDI out Problem

Hi all,

with my new Laptop, a MacbookPro 13 with macos 10.15.6,
I fail in connecting it with my Audio/Mdii-Interface Focusrite "Scarlett 18i20 USB".

My SuperCollider Midi Setup is:


MIDIEndPoint("Blackhole Input", "Blackhole Input")
MIDIEndPoint("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB")

MIDIEndPoint("Blackhole Input", "Blackhole Input")
MIDIEndPoint("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB")

~midiOut = MIDIOut.newByName("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB");

~dirt.soundLibrary.addMIDI(\midi, ~midiOut);

~midiOut.latency = 0.45;

When executing the line

~midiOut = MIDIOut.newByName("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB");

Supercollider responds with this:

Why does theat happen?
Is it because of wrong Audio-Midi-settings?
Is it because of a Thunderbolt-USB Hub?
Or wrong Blackhole settings?

on Mac, you're going to need to use your IAC Driver Bus to point your MIDI to, not the Focusrite. i wonder why it's not recognizing that as an available source. what does your actual startup script look like?

Yes, the IAC-Driver.

On the former laptop (MacbookPro 10.13. with JackRouter) I didnt`t configurate anything inside of Audio-Midi-Setup besides the following lines in SuperCollider and it worked properly:


MIDIEndPoint("JackRouter", "JackRouter")
MIDIEndPoint("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB")

MIDIEndPoint("JackRouter", "JackRouter")
MIDIEndPoint("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB")

~midiOut = MIDIOut.newByName("Scarlett 18i20 USB", "Scarlett 18i20 USB");

~dirt.soundLibrary.addMIDI(\midi, ~midiOut);

~midiOut.latency = 0.45;

Now I failed and tried to activate all MiDi-Parameters of IAC-Driver inside of the Audio-Midi-Setup, but still the Focusrite is not recognized. I don`t know.

i got a new laptop (w/ Catalina) and a new interface (UA Apollo) and started using Blackhole recently and i remember this being a pain to set up again. trying to remember what all i did. have you set your SuperDirt startup settings to include all 16 virtual channels for Blackhole yet? after which you might want to restart.

s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 16

Now it seems that I got the Midi error in SuperCollider fixed. I uninstalled the Focusrite Software and installed the newest version. :wink:

But Black hole is still very black, although I use the code for separate outputs.

( s.options.numBuffers = 1024 * 256; s.options.memSize = 8192 * 16; s.options.maxNodes = 1024 * 32; s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 16; s.waitForBoot{ ~dirt = SuperDirt(2,s); ~dirt.loadSoundFiles; ~dirt.start(57120, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14…