[Poll] What Platform are you using TidalCycles on?

Dang, just when they put the headphone jack back :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, thanks, good to know!

Interesting, thanks, will do some research!

Hello all, I have the privilege/curse of owning 2 laptops and a desktop. I have a desktop with Ubuntu Studio that I use to interface hardware with tidal... also trying to get some more complex audio routing going with Jack and SC. I have a windows 10 laptop with Ableton and Adobe Audition which I intend to use for mixing mastering etc. of course tidal on there also. Finally I have what I call my "beater" laptop that I bought at a mega discount some years ago - running Mate Ubuntu. Constantly running up against the limits of the RAM (multiple browser tabs will freeze the system) but it's still my favorite to work on because the set up is simple and always fast and ready to go. It's also very light which makes it an easy choice for travel etc... I've also, thanks to Tidal Club help, learned some tricks for optimizing memory.

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Hello all, Ubuntu Studio 20.04 here on a Thinkpad E595 (32GB RAM). Was using kxstudio before and I was expecting to miss Cadence but Ubuntu Studio Controls is a good enough replacement (also has a Carla button).

Two tidalcycle setups: pure terminal (sclang + emacs, even works without X with "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=minimal") and graphical (SuperCollider IDE + Visual Studio Code). The graphical one is slightly more friendly, since the vscode plugin can audition samples and with the SC IDE it's easier to reload setup.scd when MIDI connections change (e.g. when starting Renoise / VCV Rack).


Hi. Been fairly heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem for a number of years and have been using Tidal a bit on and off on a MacBook pro M1. Using linux at work for the last 3-4 years have made me more and more attracted to linux and the open source community, and have really made me want to break free of the Apple devices.

This made me recently acquire a used i7 Dell Precision 5560 with 16Gb ram which is currently running PopOS. Not all that familiar with audio config and work on linux yet, and have run into some issues now and then with my (internal) soundcard suddenly disappearing. My external USB-C Motu M4 however, works great so far.

Big thanks also to @cleary for your great contribution with the ansible installer! Made setting up Tidal a walk in the park.

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