Routing Tidal audio to Ableton


In Windows I've been able to send two channels to Ableton successfully using Virtual Cable. You need to make sure SuperCollider is outputting to Virtual Cable (by switching your default output to Virtual Cable before booting SuperCollider and SuperDirt). You can then choose Virtual Cable as an input in Ableton, and monitor Ableton via your usual setup.

Multichannel is a bit tricker - I've managed to get it working into Reaper using WASAPI. I think in theory you should be able to use ASIO4All to get multichannels into Ableton but I can't get it to work.

To get it working in Reaper this is what I did:

  1. Installed LoopBeAudio (this costs about 20EUR but you can get a trial version for free that runs for 60 mins at a time).
  2. Set up LoopBeAudio as an 8 channel device at 44100 hz
  3. Booted SuperCollider with LoopBeAudio as the device
  4. Set SuperCollider up to output on 8 channels, and set 4 orbits in Tidal each starting at a different channel (so effectively we can send four stereo channels from Tidal as orbit 0 (channel 0&1), orbit 1 (channel 2&3), orbit 2 (channel 4&5) and orbit 3 (channel 6&7)) by running this code in SuperCollider:
s.options.numBuffers = 1024 * 256;
s.options.memSize = 8192 * 16;
s.options.maxNodes = 1024 * 32;
s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 8; // total number of channels output
s.options.numInputBusChannels = 2;

s.waitForBoot {
    ~dirt = SuperDirt(2, s); // pan across two channels
    ~dirt.start(57120, [0, 2, 4, 6]); // set up four orbits, and start each output at a diff channel
s.latency = 0.3;

I then set up my four stereo channels in tidal using # orbit:

d1 $ s "cpu*4 ~ ~ ~" # orbit 0 # pan "<1 0 0 0>"

d2 $ s "~ cpu*4 ~ ~" # orbit 1 # pan "<0 1 0 0>"

d3 $ s "~ ~ cpu*4 ~" # orbit 2 # pan "<0 0 1 0>"

d4 $ s "~ ~ ~ cpu*4" # orbit 3 # pan "<0 0 0 1>"

And checked it was all working using s.scope in SuperCollider ((since I don't have a multichannel speaker setup at home here it helped me understand what was going on))

Then in Reaper I opened my audio settings and chose WASAPI as the driver and LoopBeAudio as the device. I made sure all my settings were the same (8 channels, 44100 hz). I then set up four tracks, and set the input of each as a stereo pair (1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8)

Hopefully that helps... it might give you the clue you need to get stuff working in Ableton. Maybe even using ReWire to get audio from Reaper to Ableton would work, I'm not sure. I'll keep trying anyway and shout back if I get anywhere.