You need to make the loaded script into a multiline command by wrapping it in :{ :} like this:
-- sets the amount of operator 'op' in the superfm output mix
-- (1 <= op <= 6)
fmamp :: Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmamp op = pF ("amp" ++ show op)
-- sets the ratio for operator 'op'.
-- the frequency is note * ratio + detune Hz
-- (1 <= op <= 6)
fmratio :: Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmratio op = pF ("ratio" ++ show op)
-- set the detune for operator 'op'
fmdetune :: Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmdetune op = pF ("detune" ++ show op)
-- set the modulation of oerator opa by operator opb
-- if opa == opb, then the modulation amount is multiplied by the
-- 'feedback' parameter
fmmod :: Int -> Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmmod opa opb = pF ("mod" ++ show opa ++ show opb)
-- feedback
fmfeedback :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmfeedback = pF "feedback"
-- Envelope definition: each operator has an envelop with 4 steps
fmeglevel :: Int -> Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmeglevel op step = pF ("eglevel" ++ show op ++ show step)
-- Envelope definition: sets the rate at which the envelope moves
-- between steps. Low numbers are slow, high numbers are fast.
fmegrate :: Int -> Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
fmegrate op step = pF ("egrate" ++ show op ++ show step)
If I save that as fm.tidal and load it using :script fm.tidal it seems to work (no errors at least). I can't check if it actually works because my SuperCollider install is currently broken due to updating my mac to Big Sur beta....