Tidal 2.0?

Is there an way to test 2.0 out? Is there a specific branch to build locally?

I'm developing on the cycseq branch, and occasionally merging into main. It's very unstable though!

In principle, I think as a DSL it would be OK for tidal to overload functions like seq, sequence etc, just as it currently overloads <* and *> from prelude. I'm just looking for the words that help me work best with patterns.


Maybe beat could be a good name too, I see it as a function that could be used also in a "cycle" approach, like using it within every, while or so.

Yes switching between different modes would be nice, we might be fighting against Haskell's type system there though!

The idea of a 'mode' marking the behaviour of part of a pattern extends beyond the sequence/cycle distinction. For example:

fast "1 2" "bd sd"

With the traditional tidal representation of pattern signals, this gives bd [bd sd]. Other potential interpretations include:

  • "bd sd@0.5"
  • "bd sd*2"
  • "[bd sd] [bd sd]*2"
  • "bd bd*2 sd sd*2"

there are many more!

I'm searching for a nice way to modify how patterns are aligned and applied following the rules of different 'modes', but plaintext feels a bit limited for expressing this..