Trying to use Max/MSP instead of SuperDirt

I'm trying to send OSC messages to Max/MSP instead of SuperDirt. Works fine on my friend's pc, but when I try to make it work on mine it gives me some errors.

First of all, we used a custom BootTidal.hs and put it in the project folder, so that Atom loads it instead of the standard Boot. The console windows shows that it correctly boots from the custom file. But then if I try to evaluate a message, I receive this kind of error:

Variable not in scope: d1 :: t0 -> t

This happens for every Tidal function, like slow, # or rand, they're alle "Variable not in scope". Nothing works. I'm not sure if it depends on the custom BootTidal.hs file, because we tried it on another pc and it worked smoothly.

What else could be? Note that starting SuperDirt and
using the standard BootTidal.hs works fine. This error comes when I use the custom boot file.
Tidal 1.6.1, Atom plugin was just updated. Mac Os 10.13.6.

This is the BootTidal.hs custom file:

:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set prompt ""

import Sound.Tidal.Context

import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdout, utf8)

hSetEncoding stdout utf8

-- total latency = oLatency + cFrameTimespan
customTarget = Target {oName = "Max", -- Give your target a name
oAddress = "", -- the target network address
oPort = 2020, -- the target network port
oLatency = 0.02, -- the latency (to smooth network jitter
oSchedule = Live,
oWindow = Nothing

tidal <- startTidal (customTarget {oLatency = 0.02, oAddress = "", oPort = 2020}) (defaultConfig {cFrameTimespan = 1/20})

let p = streamReplace tidal
hush = streamHush tidal
list = streamList tidal
mute = streamMute tidal
unmute = streamUnmute tidal
solo = streamSolo tidal
unsolo = streamUnsolo tidal
once = streamOnce tidal
first = streamFirst tidal
asap = once
nudgeAll = streamNudgeAll tidal
all = streamAll tidal
resetCycles = streamResetCycles tidal
setcps = asap . cps
xfade i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.xfadeIn 4) i
xfadeIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.xfadeIn t) i
histpan i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.histpan t) i
wait i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.wait t) i
waitT i f t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.waitT f t) i
jump i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jump) i
jumpIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jumpIn t) i
jumpIn' i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jumpIn' t) i
jumpMod i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jumpMod t) i
mortal i lifespan release = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.mortal lifespan release) i
interpolate i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.interpolate) i
interpolateIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.interpolateIn t) i
clutch i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.clutch) i
clutchIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.clutchIn t) i
anticipate i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.anticipate) i
anticipateIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.anticipateIn t) i
forId i t = transition tidal False (Sound.Tidal.Transition.mortalOverlay t) i
d1 = p 1 . (|< orbit 0)
d2 = p 2 . (|< orbit 1)
d3 = p 3 . (|< orbit 2)
d4 = p 4 . (|< orbit 3)
d5 = p 5 . (|< orbit 4)
d6 = p 6 . (|< orbit 5)
d7 = p 7 . (|< orbit 6)
d8 = p 8 . (|< orbit 7)
d9 = p 9 . (|< orbit 8)
d10 = p 10 . (|< orbit 9)
d11 = p 11 . (|< orbit 10)
d12 = p 12 . (|< orbit 11)
d13 = p 13
d14 = p 14
d15 = p 15
d16 = p 16

let setI = streamSetI tidal
setF = streamSetF tidal
setS = streamSetS tidal
setR = streamSetR tidal
setB = streamSetB tidal

:set prompt "tidal> "
:set prompt-cont ""