Week 4 lesson 2 - random marathon: rand, irand, mininotation randomness, scramble, shuffle, choose + more

Hey @yaxu. Didn't you mention that this was a 'bug' with repeatCycles in the other thread over here?

Looking at the repeatCycles type:

repeatCycles :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a

That first parameter is an 'int', and not a pattern of ints. Actually it's only in the last couple of years that you've been able to use patterns as parameters in this way in Tidal.. (the inner workings of this are quite something to behold, it's amazing that it works so well in general..) So this is kind of a bug in Tidal that this parameter isn't 'patternable'. I've made a note to fix it Make repeatCycles patternable · Issue #645 · tidalcycles/Tidal · GitHub

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