"1 2 3" pattern visualization

The docs say I should be able to execute "1 2 3" and see in the output window:


That doesn't seem to work for me. I can, however, drawLine "a b*2 d" and see:


but "1 2 3" doesn't do anything for me.

what exactly are you seeing? when doing exactly what? Perhaps this?

$ ghci
ghci> import Sound.Tidal.Context 
ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings 
ghci> "1 2 3"
"1 2 3"
ghci> "1 2 3" :: Pattern Int

what editor/IDE are you using (if any)?

ok, I followed your steps in my command line and it works!

What I was trying to do was follow the docs (linked in OP), which seem to imply that I can run this line "1 2 3" in my REPL (I'm using VS Code) and see that pattern in my output, however, I only see tidal> "1 2 3"

did you load tidal's boot file (BootTidal.hs)? It contains a default declaration, so that this should work as advertised:

ghci> import Sound.Tidal.Context 
ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings 
ghci> default (Pattern String, Integer, Double) -- this is in the boot file
ghci> "1 2 3"

Got it! My VS Code Tidal Cycles extension did not have a boot file configured. Works now, tysm!