Hi all,
I'm a noob in the world of Tidal Cycle and live coding in general.
I have a QUAD-Capture soundcard (2 input and 2 out).
What i'm trying to do is : Control a external synth (korg volca) with midi in tidal ... and get the sound from the volca back in tidal with the audio input synth "in" (so I can add effect on it) ...
It works but the sound I get back with the "IN" synth is in mono (output only on left, nothing on right)... I'm lost, , any idea how i can get a stereo sound at output ?
I ve got a switch on the soundcard to tell that the input 1 is in mono... If i Listen to the input on the soundcard, I ve the sound in both channel( L and R) but once in tidal ... only in LEFT.
Any suggestion ?