Blog topic: Prepared Code by ghostchamb3r

ghostchamb3r walks us through their creative process, starting with creating short tracks (1 - 4 bars) in a DAW (Ableton) and adding signal chains (LFO, compression, filters, etc). Tracks are then rendered as samples and saved into SuperDirt where they can be performed (and transformed) in Tidal. Discussion includes working with drums as "whole chucks" which can be manipulated in Tidal with functions like splice.

Included are full Tidal code blocks for 2 complete pieces (including multiple versions), as well as an extensive SuperCollider template. ghostchamb3r takes the approach of a "masterclass" where we get many insights into how this approach is done. Links to music also include 2 versions of his work Sapphica, commissioned and performed by the Minnesota Opera. Impressive!

This post came about from dialogue in a forum thread in response to Heavy Lifting's Blog post.. Consider this an invitation to keep the discussion going!


@Ghost_Chamb3r thanks for such a detailed insight into your process!
I like the arguments you've made for chunking pieces of compositions for sampling. Personally I've always struggled with the idea of sampling a recording of my own, due to losing access to the "source" pattern (I usually start composition in tidal)... however, you've made me realise it doesn't have to be black and white - there are levels of lossiness depending how you break the tracks out for sampling, and depending how amenable they are to chopping/slicing too I think.

You got my cogs going anyway, and I think that was the goal, thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, I think you can get some really fun results from it. I want to start working more from Tidal first, especially with drum sections because I know you can do some really cool stuff with euclidean and polymetric patterns, I just haven't gotten around to experimenting with it. I'm glad you enjoyed the article!