Breaking down amen to tabla bols

I was reading about Bol Processor again after a log while and was inspired to try to break down amencutup samples in the default super dirt pack to something sounding like a vocalisation.

For the moment I am using popular tabla bols, but maybe there is a better way to name these sounds and vocalise these patterns.

let amen = inhabit [
            ("dha", n "0" # s "amencutup")
            , ("dhi", n "1" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ta", n "2" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ti", n "3" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ri", n "4" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ki", n "5" # s "amencutup")
            , ("na", n "6" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ge", n "7" # s "amencutup")
            , ("dhin", n "8" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ka", n "9" # s "amencutup")
            , ("tiri", n "10" # s "amencutup")
            , ("tirikit", n "10 22*2" # s "amencutup")
            , ("gha", n "11" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ghi", n "12" # s "amencutup")
            , ("na", n "13" # s "amencutup")
            , ("tha", n "14" # s "amencutup")
            , ("tin", n "15" # s "amencutup")
            , ("thi", n "16" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ra", n "17" # s "amencutup")
            , ("thin", n "18" # s "amencutup")
            , ("thi2", n "19" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ta2", n "20" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ti2", n "21" # s "amencutup")
            , ("te", n "22" # s "amencutup")
            , ("dhe", n "23" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ga", n "24" # s "amencutup")
            , ("tak", n "25" # s "amencutup")
            , ("ti3", n "26" # s "amencutup")
            , ("khi", n "27" # s "amencutup")
            , ("kath", n "31" # s "amencutup")

This lets me write interesting odd time amen patterns like

    $ stack[
            whenmod 32 30 (sometimesBy 0.3 (jux (palindrome) . (# speed "-1"))) $ 
            amen "dhi <na tiri ge> dhin ge <tirikit ti ra ga ta>"
            whenmod 8 2 (# silence) $
            sometimesBy 0.3 (jux (palindrome)) $
            sometimesBy 0.2 (# speed 2.2) $
            sometimes (within (0.75, 1) (fast 2)) $ amen "[ti|ri|ra|thi|tha|tin]*5"
    ] # cps 1.127

EDIT: Removing my custom aliases


this look super cool! what is withflip?

Oops! Sorry that was a custom function I made as a shortcut. It just speeds up the last quarter of the cycle. Works great for hi hats and other hi percussion sounds. I also often use a version of this with ply.

withflip = within (0.75, 1) (fast 2)
withply = within (0.75, 1) (ply 2)
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Just jamming out to this for a while now.....

Made it a little easier to try different sounds:

soundFolder = "amencutup"
bols = inhabit [
            ("dha", n "0" # s soundFolder)
            , ("dhi", n "1" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ta", n "2" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ti", n "3" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ri", n "4" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ki", n "5" # s soundFolder)
            , ("na", n "6" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ge", n "7" # s soundFolder)
            , ("dhin", n "8" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ka", n "9" # s soundFolder)
            , ("tiri", n "10" # s soundFolder)
            , ("tirikit", n "10 22*2" # s soundFolder)
            , ("gha", n "11" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ghi", n "12" # s soundFolder)
            , ("na", n "13" # s soundFolder)
            , ("tha", n "14" # s soundFolder)
            , ("tin", n "15" # s soundFolder)
            , ("thi", n "16" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ra", n "17" # s soundFolder)
            , ("thin", n "18" # s soundFolder)
            , ("thi2", n "19" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ta2", n "20" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ti2", n "21" # s soundFolder)
            , ("te", n "22" # s soundFolder)
            , ("dhe", n "23" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ga", n "24" # s soundFolder)
            , ("tak", n "25" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ti3", n "26" # s soundFolder)
            , ("khi", n "27" # s soundFolder)
            , ("kath", n "31" # s soundFolder)
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... differente sounds: you can make the global parameter into a local one, then you can set it for each application, and you could use several at the same time (not possible with a global one)

bols soundFolder = inhabit [
            ("dha", n "0" # s soundFolder)
            , ("dhi", n "1" # s soundFolder)
            , ("ta", n "2" # s soundFolder)

d1 $  fast (choose [1,2]) -- my suggestion
   $ (# speed (choose [1, 1.25,0.75]))
   $ stack[ silence
      ,   whenmod 32 30 (sometimesBy 0.3 (jux (palindrome) . (# speed "-1"))) $ 
            bols "amencutup" "dhi <na tiri ge> dhin ge <tirikit ti ra ga ta>"

separate question is - are all those sometimes (and choose) too much correlated? it's hard to tell.

[LATER] I should probably $ (|* speed (choose [1, 1.25,0.75])), in order to not ignore speed modifications from the inner pattern.

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What taal is this, btw?

Re: Taal - this seems to be a nice overview Rhythm (taal) in Indian Classical Music - Raag Hindustani (bookmarked that link some time ago, probably found it someplace on the tidalcycles forums ...)