Building (and installing) tidal from source on Mac

Hi all, happy new year! :slight_smile:

I'm coming back to tidal after an extended break, and trying to get it all working from the local sources (cloned the from the github repo) as I'd like eventually to play with the source code a little bit.

I initially tried stack build and stack install from the root of the repo as I remember it to work a couple of years back, but this time I got an error related to the hosc package version.

So I tried cabal build and cabal install --lib; this seems to succeed (e.g. if I run ghci I can then import Sound.Tidal.Boot for example).

However I can't get it to work from neither VSCode nor Pulsar (see error message in screenshot).

Do I need to set anything up there? I might be wrong but I remember it to work straight away some time ago (i.e. even if I was building from the local source I didn't have to set anything up in the editor..).

Thank you!!

Right, so I tried again and I think cabal build (from the root of the Tidal repo) succeeds.
Also cabal install --lib seems to succeed but something happens with the "GHC package environment", and it even gives a warning:

After this command I can run ghci and load things such as Sound.Tidal.Context which makes me think it worked.

The problem seems to be with this "package environment" then; the editor (VSCode or Pulsar) doesn't know where to get the package. I'm not familiar with cabal and with those GHC environment files so I'm not sure what's the right thing to do. I also tried cabal v1-install (which is also used in the Tidal documentation) but that gives me dependancies errors..

I'm pretty sure in the past I used to do stack install and it was all working fine, but the stack build seems to be broken at the moment (due to the hosc package version).. :frowning: