Can someone send me a copy of dirt samples?

hi, I am a new user from China and is really enjoying learning all this, but for obvious reason China does not have a great connection to github, so I only got to download a small part of the sample library, then it just continues to fail. I really like what I heard from the sound of that lib, so i do want to play with it and also to follow the tutorials better. Can someone give me a google drive share or dropbox link so i can download it?

Hi @noe,
I put a copy here for you:


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thx! love your work and I have been having non-stop fun these days!

Thanks + by the way the live coding conference will be in Shanghai next year:


wow, that is so cool! I actually once looked a bit into this event when I first learned about live coding earlier this year, and it is really nice to see it coming to my doorstep haha.

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hey alex, a followup question here.For the past few weeks, I have been trying to find at least some kind of community of live coding on the Chinese Internet, but it was really unfruitful. All I could find was some old video experiments and some performance announcement of few artists. Only few talk about supercollider,and most of them turns out to be the student of mr. james harkins who is teaching in China. I had to come to the conclusion that there is no active live coding community in China. (Toplap shanghai only seem to have an inactive twitter account)
I even started to think about posting tutorials and performances (with a few more month of digging into this rabbit hole) to our video platforms and try to (hopfully) make more people interested and in time build communities on my own.
All that said, it suddenly occurred to me that iclc will be held in China, which is so strange to think about. Who organises this event? How did this decision to organize in NYU shanghai came about? I am just so curious.

Hey the announcement of ICLC Shanghai was here at the last ICLC:
ICLC 2023 Day 3: Community sessions 1, 2 & Keynote Click Nilson, Closing - YouTube

They were chosen by the conference steering committee after an open call.

I don't think I know any live coders in China, but I do know some live coders in Europe originally from there, who might have some tips for finding live coders. For example you could try Jia Liu:

There was also Algorave Beijing: Soundleaks | 声漏 - Algorave Beijing
I think the organiser since moved to London though and also collaborates with Jia.

yes thank you for your information. That explains my question. Hopefully I get better and get to be the live coder you know in China haha. :grinning:

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