"Could not load module ‘Sound.OSC.FD’" error on Atom


I've this error message on Atom (but everything works well on VSCode) :

t> : error:
Could not load module ‘Sound.OSC.FD’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘hosc-0.18.1’.
You can run ‘:set -package hosc’ to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)

Where does this come from?

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What version of tidalcycles have you installed? (It should be printed in the console)

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Here is what I get when I try to evaluate d1 $ sound "bd sn":

Choose ghcup default path: /Users/camille/.ghcup/bin

Ghci command: /Users/camille/.ghcup/bin/ghci Ghc-pkg command: /Users/camille/.ghcup/bin/ghc-pkg

Load BootTidal.hs from /Users/camille/.cabal/share/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.10.4/tidal-1.7.1/BootTidal.hs

t> Loaded package environment from /Users/camille/.ghc/x86_64-darwin-8.10.4/environments/default


t> : error: Could not load module ‘Sound.OSC.FD’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hosc-0.18.1’. You can run ‘:set -package hosc’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)

t> • Variable not in scope: d1 :: ControlPattern -> t • Perhaps you meant ‘dt’ (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

@yaxu could be something with the new release?

I'm not sure what's going on, but this kind of problem can be fixed by deleting the package environment file reported there:

rm /Users/camille/.ghc/x86_64-darwin-8.10.4/environments/default

and then reinstalling with the old style 'v1-' method:

cabal update
cabal v1-install tidal