Hi there, I've just noticed a new issue on my Arch Linux haskell-tidal install after leaving it aside from a while.
The djfbus lines I had in some pieces seem to not have an effect anymore - digging deeper, it's the whole djf that seems to be failing:
$ loopAt 1 $ "breaks165" # cut 1
# djf 0.8
I hear the breaks165 sound with no filter - changing 0.8 to 0.2 or extremes like [0|1] don't change the sound either.
Could it be related to the recent 1.8.0 update? (cc @yaxu )
Maybe it's a deeper problem in my SC setup - does someone know a way to test DJF with pure SuperCollider code?
Meanwhile, found back this 'manual DJF implementation' I had written for midi controls a while ago - I think it had some slight centering issues, but might be a workaround for anyone affected