Error in Atom after Boot Tidalcycles

Hello. I got this message after Boot TidalCycles in Atom. By the way, I use Windows 11. Thank you.

t> error: expecting a single import declaration

 Not in scope: `oLatency'

 Not in scope: `oAddress'

 Not in scope: `oPort'

 Not in scope: `cFrameTimespan'

    Variable not in scope: streamReplace :: t28 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamHush :: t27 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    * Variable not in scope: streamList :: t26 -> t
    * Perhaps you meant `readList' (imported from Prelude)

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamMute :: t25 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamUnmute :: t24 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSolo :: t23 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamUnsolo :: t22 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamOnce :: t21 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamFirst :: t20 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamNudgeAll :: t19 
t> -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamAll :: t18 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamResetCycles :: t17 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    * Variable not in scope: cps :: a -> b0
    * Perhaps you meant `cos' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t16
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t15
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t14
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t13
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t12
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t11
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t10
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t9
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t8
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t7
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t6
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t5
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t4
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a2]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a2)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t3
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a1]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a1)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t2
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t1
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t0
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a0]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a0)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b1 -> b2
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t30 -> b1

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b3 -> b4
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t32 -> b3

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b5 -> b6
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t34 -> b5

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b7 -> b8
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t36 -> b7

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b9 -> b10
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t38 -> b9

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b11 -> b12
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t40 -> b11

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b13 -> b14
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t42 -> b13

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b15 -> b16
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t44 -> b15

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b17 -> b18
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t46 -> b17

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b19 -> b20
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t48 -> b19

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b21 -> b22
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t50 -> b21

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b23 -> b24
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t52 -> b23

    Variable not in scope: streamSetI :: t4 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetF :: t3 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetS :: t2 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetR :: t1 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetB :: t0 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal
t> ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci|   

What's the output of the tidalcycles console?

Hi, Thank you for your response. Sorry I'm a newbie. How to check what's the tidalcycles console output is?

yeah, sorry, I wasn't clear enough, it's what you already pasted here, but I need the first part of it

oh okay this is all of it

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Choose ghc base path
 > no custom path configured
 > ghcup not found
 * using default GHC system path definition
Ghci command: ghci
Ghc-pkg command: ghc-pkg
Start atom-tidalcycles plugin
Choose BootTidal.hs path
 > no custom path configured
 > not found in current directory
 > not found in the tidal installation folder
 * use the default contained in the plugin
 * load BootTidal.hs from C:\Users\me\.atom\packages\tidalcycles\lib\BootTidal.hs
t> Loaded package environment from C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\ghc\x86_64-mingw32-9.2.4\environments\default
t> ghci> ghci> ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci|
t> error: expecting a single import declaration

 Not in scope: `oLatency'

 Not in scope: `oAddress'

 Not in scope: `oPort'

 Not in scope: `cFrameTimespan'

    Variable not in scope: streamReplace :: t28 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamHush :: t27 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    * Variable not in scope: streamList :: t26 -> t
    * Perhaps you meant `readList' (imported from Prelude)

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamMute :: t25 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamUnmute :: t24 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSolo :: t23 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamUnsolo :: t22 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamOnce :: t21 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamFirst :: t20 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamNudgeAll :: t19 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamAll :: t18 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamResetCycles :: t17 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    * Variable not in scope: cps :: a -> b0
    * Perhaps you meant `cos' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t16
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t15
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t14
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t13
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t12
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t11
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t10
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t9
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t8
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t7
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t6
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t5
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t4
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a2]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a2)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t3
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a1]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a1)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t2
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t1
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.ControlPattern)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope:
        :: t0
           -> Bool
           -> (Sound.Tidal.Time.Time
               -> [Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a0]
               -> Sound.Tidal.Pattern.Pattern a0)
           -> t
           -> t57

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b1 -> b2
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t30 -> b1

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b3 -> b4
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t32 -> b3

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b5 -> b6
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t34 -> b5

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b7 -> b8
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t36 -> b7

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b9 -> b10
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t38 -> b9

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b11 -> b12
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t40 -> b11

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b13 -> b14
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t42 -> b13

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b15 -> b16
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t44 -> b15

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b17 -> b18
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t46 -> b17

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b19 -> b20
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t48 -> b19

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b21 -> b22
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: orbit :: t50 -> b21

    * Variable not in scope: (|<) :: a -> b23 -> b24
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude), `<' (imported from Prelude)

    Variable not in scope: or
t> bit :: t52 -> b23

    Variable not in scope: streamSetI :: t4 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetF :: t3 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetS :: t2 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetR :: t1 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal

    Variable not in scope: streamSetB :: t0 -> t

 Variable not in scope: tidal
t> ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci|   

Seems like it's loading the boot file from the plugin itself so there shouldn't be errors...
What happens if you try from a terminal:

> import Sound.Tidal.Context
> tidal_version

It show these

PS C:\Users\me> ghci
Loaded package environment from C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\ghc\x86_64-mingw32-9.2.4\environments\default
GHCi, version 9.2.4:  :? for help
ghci> import Sound.Tidal.Context
ghci> tidal_version

So it's working... could you paste here the content of the C:\Users\me\.atom\packages\tidalcycles\lib\BootTidal.hs file?

it show these texts

:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set prompt ""

import Sound.Tidal.Context
import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdout, utf8)
hSetEncoding stdout utf8

-- total latency = oLatency + cFrameTimespan
tidal <- startTidal (superdirtTarget {oLatency = 0.1, oAddress = "", oPort = 57120}) (defaultConfig {cFrameTimespan = 1/20})

let p = streamReplace tidal
    hush = streamHush tidal
    list = streamList tidal
    mute = streamMute tidal
    unmute = streamUnmute tidal
    solo = streamSolo tidal
    unsolo = streamUnsolo tidal
    once = streamOnce tidal
    first = streamFirst tidal
    asap = once
    nudgeAll = streamNudgeAll tidal
    all = streamAll tidal
    resetCycles = streamResetCycles tidal
    setcps = asap . cps
    xfade i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.xfadeIn 4) i
    xfadeIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.xfadeIn t) i
    histpan i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.histpan t) i
    wait i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.wait t) i
    waitT i f t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.waitT f t) i
    jump i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jump) i
    jumpIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jumpIn t) i
    jumpIn' i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jumpIn' t) i
    jumpMod i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.jumpMod t) i
    mortal i lifespan release = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.mortal lifespan release) i
    interpolate i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.interpolate) i
    interpolateIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.interpolateIn t) i
    clutch i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.clutch) i
    clutchIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.clutchIn t) i
    anticipate i = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.anticipate) i
    anticipateIn i t = transition tidal True (Sound.Tidal.Transition.anticipateIn t) i
    forId i t = transition tidal False (Sound.Tidal.Transition.mortalOverlay t) i
    d1 = p 1 . (|< orbit 0)
    d2 = p 2 . (|< orbit 1)
    d3 = p 3 . (|< orbit 2)
    d4 = p 4 . (|< orbit 3)
    d5 = p 5 . (|< orbit 4)
    d6 = p 6 . (|< orbit 5)
    d7 = p 7 . (|< orbit 6)
    d8 = p 8 . (|< orbit 7)
    d9 = p 9 . (|< orbit 8)
    d10 = p 10 . (|< orbit 9)
    d11 = p 11 . (|< orbit 10)
    d12 = p 12 . (|< orbit 11)
    d13 = p 13
    d14 = p 14
    d15 = p 15
    d16 = p 16

let setI = streamSetI tidal
    setF = streamSetF tidal
    setS = streamSetS tidal
    setR = streamSetR tidal
    setB = streamSetB tidal

:set prompt "tidal> "
:set prompt-cont ""

What if you do:

> :script C:\Users\me\.atom\packages\tidalcycles\lib\BootTidal.hs

It show this text

syntax:  :script <filename>

It's something with window I guess, sincerely I don't know how to help, let's see if someone else can