I was surprised that these don't have the same structure:
"1(3.8)" :: Pattern Int
-- 3 events, value 1, at times 0, 3/8, 3/4
"1(3,8)" :: Pattern Bool
-- 8 events, values True, False, False, True ..
I found that the parser (argh, again, semantics hidden in the parser (*)) uses euclidOffBool
in the first case, but euclidOff
in the second. https://github.com/tidalcycles/Tidal/blob/1.10-dev/src/Sound/Tidal/ParseBP.hs#L272
Now, the API doc for euclidOffBool
claims "As euclidOff
, but specialized to Bool
- which is wrong:
euclidOff 3 8 0 (pure True) -- three events (values are True)
euclidOffBool 3 8 0 (pure True) -- eight events (one at each tick)
Bug or feature?
API doc also claims "May be more efficient than euclidOff
." Has this been benchmarked? I am actually getting the reverse relation
tidal> :set +s
tidal> length $ flip queryArc (Arc 0 1) $ euclidOff 54321 56789 0 $ pure True
(1.86 secs, 447,929,936 bytes)
tidal> length $ flip queryArc (Arc 0 1) $ euclidOffBool 54321 56789 0 $ pure True
(2.03 secs, 622,937,856 bytes)
But the method of evaluation may be too simple.
Does anyone need high performance of this function? Seems a bit esoteric. But - there was 4096 bpm
at Solstice 23 ...
[EDIT] speaking of efficiency .. The following implementation is shorter and faster, but
bjorked (k, n) =
if k == 0 then replicate n False
else let (d,m) = divMod n k
in bjorked (m, k) >>= \ b ->
True : replicate (if b then d else d-1) False
tidal> length $ filter id $ bjorklund (832040, 1346269)
(1.56 secs, 1,385,597,184 bytes)
tidal> length $ filter id $ bjorked (832040, 1346269)
(0.77 secs, 736,101,088 bytes)
but (huge BUT) it's wrong: it produces an evenly spaced pattern with the correct number of events, but in some different rotation. I wonder if there's a way to fix this.
[EDIT] of course (?) a more efficient "wrong" answer is
bjork (k, n) =
let go x = if x < 0 then True : go (x+n-k) else False : go (x-k)
in take n $ go (negate k)
ghci> length $ filter id $ bjork (832040, 1346269)
(0.43 secs, 561,463,216 bytes)
but again, it's not quite the right rotation.