Fade in?

Hi there, how are people fading in/out a sequence?


Short answer: you can use the transition function xfade for it.

Longer answer: There are a few quick examples for fading in/out between patterns on tidalcycles.org which you can find here: https://tidalcycles.org/index.php/Quick_example_for_transition

And kindohm made a Tutorial video for this topic which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IvCbTQpPJ8

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much!


How can I use fade with a master effect?

I*d like to do something like

xfade all (# djf 0.22)

Hey @nuelmyr

Unfortunately this is not how it will work. With xfade you are replacing one pattern with another pattern. And you have two kind of effects:

  1. global effects
  2. local (event based) effects

Global effects affects an orbit and local effects affects a single event. Maybe it is possible to do some smart audio routing to create a master bus and apply effects on it (maybe with s "in"). But then you apply it independtly of the original patterns. But as far as I know there is no master bus for all orbits and no master effect over all orbits.

The easiest workaround would be to use a combination of stack and orbit like

d1 $ stack [
  s "808(3,8)" # orbit 1
  , n (run 8) # s "arpy" # orbit 2

And change it to

xfade 1 $ stack [
  s "808(3,8)" # orbit 1
  , n (run 8) # s "arpy" # orbit 2
] # djf 0.22

Hi @mrreason

Thanks for the tip and the workaround. I helped myself today with a do-block that has all the tracks I want to fade-out. And in the end I realised that fade-out is somehow not a nice solution musically, especially when playing live -:wink:

But thanks again for your quick answer and see you soon!
Und vielleicht auch einmal in Leipzig, wenn wir endlich wieder reisen können - Grüße aus Frankfurt/M:.

I helped myself today with a do-block that has all the tracks I want to fade-out.

Of course that is also a possibility :slight_smile: Could u pls give us a code example how you are grouping the tracks and apply a fade out on it? Maybe I can mess with it around.

Und vielleicht auch einmal in Leipzig, wenn wir endlich wieder reisen können - Grüße aus Frankfurt/M:.

Klar gerne, das sollten wir hinkriegen!

Ok I did

  xfade 1 $ "808*2" # djf 0.2
  xfade 2 $ n (run 6) # "arpy" # djf 0.2