Format of Tidal snippets.json or snippets.cson

I have been unable to find an example Tidal snippets file for Pulsar. I followed the java example in docs and know I should be using "source.tidalcycles" where they use "source.js" but nothing more.
All references to the word "snippet" in Tidal Club give the example code rather than what I'm looking for which is the layout in a snippets.json or snippets.cson file.

I wonder if someone can help.

Well I did a bit more digging around and finally got something that worked!
In my ~/.pulsar/snippets.cson file I have a few examples working. Indents are very important.
(Edit) But they don't show up in this post. Check out the stackOverflow below.
What I like about these examples is that tab positions are set by $1, $2, $3 etc.
So in a tidal file when I type "cha", I get a choice of the two different arp versions. When I choose one it is printed out (without the $1, $2s being visible). Pressing tab takes me to spots where I might make a change or add something. You can choose editing spots wherever.
Surprisingly the $1, $2s don't interfere with the $s of the tidal patterns.

'Dashed Comment Block':
'prefix': 'c--'
'body': """
-- $1
'Arpeggios from Chords Block':
'prefix': 'charp'
'body': """
d1 $ n "c'maj $1"
# sound "supermandolin$2"
# legato 2
'Arpeggios from Chords Block extra':
'prefix': 'charpx'
'body': """
d1 $ jux rev $ arp "<down up $1>" $ n "<c'maj'4 e4'min'8 $2>"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 2 # room 0.3 $3

By the way I got the idea from stack overflow


gidday cobba and welcome -

To aid readability and preserve indenting etc, you can use markdown syntax in this forum to indicate a code block - just add 3x backticks ``` on a line on their own before and after the block you want formatted as code, eg

  'Normal Comment Block':
    'prefix': 'cmm'
    'body': """

  'Dashed Comment Block':
    'prefix': 'c--'
    'body': """

Thanks Cleary, nice to hear from you.
I'll try that ....

  'Dashed Comment Block':
    'prefix': 'c--'
    'body': """
      -- $1
  'Arpeggios from Chords Block':
    'prefix': 'charp'
    'body': """
     d1 $ n "c'maj $1"
      # sound "supermandolin$2"
      # legato 2
  'Arpeggios from Chords Block extra':
    'prefix': 'charpx'
    'body': """
    d1 $ jux rev $ arp "<down up $1>" $ n "<c'maj'4 e4'min'8 $2>"
     # sound "supermandolin"
     # sustain 2 # room 0.3 $3

Yes that does look better!
I see there's a "preformatted text" icon in this reply editor box </>
didn't notice that before.
