I've managed to do this following these instructions
I slightly edited the SC code to get it to do what I wanted:
//To accept MIDI in to Tidal we need to run a bit more code - this lets SuperCollider convert MIDI inputs from your controller into OSC messages
// Evaluate the block below to start the mapping MIDI -> OSC.
var on, off, cc;
var osc;
osc = NetAddr.new("", 6010);
on = MIDIFunc.noteOn({ |val, num, chan, src|
osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", "n", num); // if I remember correctly this was the bit I changed to get notes in!
off = MIDIFunc.noteOff({ |val, num, chan, src|
osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", "n", 0);
cc = MIDIFunc.cc({ |val, num, chan, src|
osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", num.asString, val/127);
if (~stopMidiToOsc != nil, {
~stopMidiToOsc = {
And then using code in Tidal like this:
d4 $ sound "arpy" # up (cF 1 "n")
Depending on the pitch of your samples etc you will probably need to transform the midinote to a lower number, as up
maps to semitones, rather than midinotes.
Something like:
d4 $ sound "arpy" # up ((cF 1 "n")-60)
And you might need to have a play around with noteon/noteoff (I used this in a kind of drone/noise setting so wasn't such a big deal for me, but this setup will still play the tidal pattern even when a note isn't being pressed - you could try mapping noteon/noteoff to #gain
to help with this).
Hopefully this will get you started - shout back if you need any help.