Getting experimental FeedForward editor to work

Aye, I did that step. Perhaps I missed something. I'll try again.

I tried again and it's still happening. Is there a step I'm missing?

Yes running with 2> err.txt should get rid of that. I can't see why it wouldn't work :confused:

It's working. I was missing something. I kept executing "feedforward 2> err.txt" instead of "./feedforward 2> err.txt" since the first didn't return an error I thought it was a setting that was being written.

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I tried running s.options.maxLogins = 8; and now when I run ./.cabal/bin/feedforward 2 > err.txt the terminal returns this message:

feedforward: sigaction
feedforward: sigaction
feedforward: sigaction
                      feedforward: sigaction

I can see a blinking cursor a the end but I'm unable to type.

EDIT: I added an extra space which caused my error. It should be ./.cabal/bin/feedforward 2> err.txt not ./.cabal/bin/feedforward 2 > err.txt (no space between 2 and > )

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I've now got feedfoward working on Ubuntu 20.04 (yay) but in gnome-terminal pressing F10 to close it doesn't work. If I just close the terminal the music keeps playing until I stop supercollider. Worryingly the feedforward process still exist after I've closed the terminal. Even killall feedforward doesn't do anything (the process is still alive). The below screenshot is from me trying to run feedfoward several times.

The memory usage slowed my computer down a lot.

Hmm.. Howabout killall -9 feedforward ? It might also be that the terminal is blocking F10 from getting to the process, you might be able to configure that in the terminal settings.

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As a side note, I've spent some time working on making this install simpler on *buntu/debian variants using the ansible provisioning tool - there's a repo here:

It's always nice to come to grips with the pieces and how they fit together, but next time around you may want to take a look at the above repo

From blank ubuntu to supercollider/feedforward install it's as simple as cloning the repo and:

sudo ansible-playbook --connection=local -i localhost,

Your F10 issue is almost guaranteed to be the gnome-terminal grabbing the shortcut, I'm a fan of tilix as an alternative (it has a builtin quake style mode too) -

PS I'm a big fan of your work :slight_smile:

@yaxu thanks, killall -9 feedforward successfully kills zombie feedforward processes.

@cleary I haven't tried out ansible but will keep it in mind for future installations! Also I'll definitely try out tilix and other linux terminals. Where possible I try and use what comes default with an operating system (makes writing tutorials easier) but definitely think for personal stuff I need a better terminal.

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@yaxu what terminal do you use? I'm trying to get a box around the code like you do when we perform together. i.e.

I haven't seen any theming options for gnome-terminal so I'm figuring it's a different terminal from the Ubuntu default.

Just the default terminal.. actually I think the black borders are artifacts from chromakeying !

Really just gnome-terminal? Any chance you could share your configuration file/instructions?

Iirc @yaxu uses mint, which comes in a few DE flavours so "default terminal" is likely to be different to yours.

Your options as I see them:
Disable the F10 shortcut in gnome terminal (you might need to go to the comments in that accepted answer)

Use a different Ubuntu flavour for your tutorial - Ubuntu Studio now comes with KDE which will use konsole as the default term, of xfce4-terminal prior to 20.10

Just recommend a different terminal altogether (all the alternatives mentioned above should be fine)

Hm it's called 'mate terminal', probably a fork of gnome-terminal. I'm not doing any theming, I just turn off the scroll and menu bar and change the colours to white on black.. Anything funky is likely to be from chromakeying in OBS

Yeah I get that. What I'm trying to do is set the background colour for the text so that I can remove the background colour for the terminal in a different application. In the preferences for gnome-terminal the configuration options only allow me to change the background of the whole terminal, not just the background of the text.

Aha, sorry I understand now. I made some changes to set the colours I forgot about. I've made a branch with that.. If you git pull; git checkout catfoodmclean that should sort it. To change the colours you'd have to edit them in Edit.hs

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Brill, thanks! (guessing it's fg <- newColorID ColorWhite ColorBlue 1 on line 471)

I upgraded Ubuntu from 20.04 to 20.10 and I've had a few problems getting Tidal to run. I've now got it working when using the Atom plugin but feedforward doesn't seem to trigger sounds. When I press alt +1/2 etc or Ctrl + Enter each line just has a red number (which I'm guessing means error).

I checked err.txt and it just has this in it:

feedforward: sigaction
feedforward: sigaction
Id: 1
feedforward: sigaction
feedforward: sigaction
Id: 2

I'm guessing feedforward is "connected" because I tried using the atom plugin at the same time and in the error window it said

t> Listening for controls on
Control listen failed. Perhaps there's already another tidal instance listening on that port?

Hm agreed that suggests that feedforward has tidal running..
You could try changing into the feedforward/src folder and running this:
runhaskell Main 2>/tmp/err.txt

In the past I've found some cases where that works when compiling it to a binary doesn't

Unfortunately that doesn't work. I checked the /tmp/err.txt file and it says this:

Loaded package environment from /home/hellocatfood/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.8.3/environments/default

Change.hs:5:1: error:
    Could not load module ‘Data.Aeson’
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘aeson-’.
    You can run ‘:set -package aeson’ to expose it.
    (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘aeson-’.
    You can run ‘:set -package aeson’ to expose it.
    (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
    Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
5 | import qualified Data.Aeson   as A
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tried running cabal install aeson and ran it again and still the same error.

Hm probably the new cabal stuff causing problems again.
You could delete ~/.cabal and ~/.ghc, and then try again by doing cabal v1-install instead of cabal install..

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That works, thank you!