I was enthusiastic about the Hex function for making rhythms in Gibber, so I made a version for Tidal. Based on the tidal-morse code of paulchannelstrip (Paul) · GitHub.
Simple and fast:
d1 $ slow 1 $ structH "88" $ n "[0]" |> dtakt 1
d2 $ slow 2 $ structH "a5" $ n "[0]" |> dtakt 2
-- Code adapted from morse-tidal by https://github.com/paulchannelstrip
-- Hex to Bool represented as a table.
mAlphabet :: [ (Char, String ) ]
mAlphabet = [ ('0' , "0000" )
, ('1' , "0001" )
, ('2' , "0010" )
, ('3' , "0011" )
, ('4' , "0100" )
, ('5' , "0101" )
, ('6' , "0110" )
, ('7' , "0111" )
, ('8' , "1000" )
, ('9' , "1001" )
, ('a' , "1010" )
, ('b' , "1011" )
, ('c' , "1100" )
, ('d' , "1101" )
, ('e' , "1110" )
, ('f' , "1111" )
-- `n` is the number of subdivisions per-cycle in the resulting pattern
-- `s` is the string to be hex-encoded
hexAt :: Int -> [Char] -> Pattern Bool
hexAt n s = parseBP_E $ "{" ++ (mconcat $ map mLookup s') ++ "}%" ++ show n
where mLookup l = maybe "" id (lookup l mAlphabet)
s' = (map Char.toLower s)
-- A default function with 16 subdivisions per-cycle.
hex :: [Char] -> Pattern Bool
hex s = hexAt 16 s
-- Two convenience functions
structH s = struct (hexAt 16 s)
maskH s = mask (hexAt 16 s)