How do you hush OSC?

I am experimenting with an OSC connection between Tidal and Max/MSP (OSX/Catalina).

The connection is working.

But I notice two things:

  1. "hush" does not hush OSC stream to Max. How do I turn the OSC stream off? I do not see an explanation in documentation for stopping OSC.

  2. I cannot always reproduce this "anomaly," but it seems that if I change the OSC stream (live code a new stream), I sometimes see remnants of the prior stream mixed in. For example, I send:

x1 $ s "boom bam"

Max receives message /play boom and /play bam as patterned by Tidal.

Then, I revise script in Tidal to something else, like:

x1 $ s "boom cat"

Sometimes, Tidal will then send /play boom and /play cat, but also /play bam.

Thank you for any guidance/advice.

Kind Regards,


I think I may have solved this. I was using the code below to define the OSC message structure:

let oscplay = OSC "/play" $ ArgList [("s", Nothing)

I was sending strings like this: x1 $ s "boom bam clap"

I changed the code to this:

oscplay = OSC "/play" $ ArgList [("s", Just $ VS "a")

Now, it seems new code overwrites old code reliably.

Lastly, to start/stop OSC: x1 $ s ""

