I somehow succeeded in installing SuperDirt (and the samples).Changing SuperDirt's version number to the latest did it.
Then I installed Pulsar and then went to Pulsar Package Explorer and tried to install tidalcycles package but it is for Atom. Atom no longer exists, they went away. How can I use Pulsar when the install button for tidalcycles package does not respond? I am also trying VSCode but it is not going well.
I think the installation how-tos on tidalcycles.org needs major overhaul. The installation process is far from smooth. It may be my fault though because I lack CS knowledge. Emergence of Windows 11 also had an effect on installation process, who knows.
Any suggestions welcome. I am almost there, but not quite.
Thanks for bringing the docs update to our attention - I've updated the superdirt version:
Regarding the pulsar plugin - that is just a description, the plugin has had a lot of work done porting from atom to pulsar (when the atom project was sunsetted).
The pulsar plugin is maintained as a separate repo here:
Bug reports are very welcome - I had a quick look in the codebase, and it doesn't seem to be configured there, so it may be something in the pulsar package management backend itself... I don't really know how it works
The docs are maintained by the community, in general large scale overhauls are very difficult to implement, but incremental improvements are very doable - you are welcome to get involved with the documentation group and propose improvements!
I've just given it a test on a clean pulsar install here and it went through ok - do you have a screen capture/gif of the problem? Have you tried shutting pulsar down and restarting it? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
If you can provide more detail, we may be able to help with this