Jux, iter, linger, rev etc... applied to MIDI sequences

Hey everyone !

Many audio dedicated functions can do some amazing stuffs to MIDI sequences.

While linger, striate, rev... are quite straight forward and work as you'd expect... some don't :wink: For instance, jux and iter : they do something bloody awesome to (simple) patterns... but what exactly ? I bet most "creative" audio function can be (mis)used with MIDI, I'd love to know for sure what they do then.

Is there any sources documenting that topic ?

Thanks !


i've often thought it might be nice to divide up the documentation into functions that work on patterns and functions that work on samples. as an almost fully MIDI user, i definitely have a trusted set of pattern-modifying functions that i (over?)use regularly. i've never considered using something like striate or jux because i figured it just wouldn't work.

@kit-christopher and I touched on this topic chatting this morning... I'd just dismissed most of these modifying functions working on midi out of hand - I will need to revisit

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striate, chop and friends work under the hood by triggering the sound once for each 'slice', but with different begin and end parameters. These parameters are ignored by MIDI, so instead you'll just be triggering sounds multiple times, a bit like 'ply' I guess.

jux works by applying pan 0 to the original and pan 1 to the transformed version of the pattern. If MIDI ignores that too (I'm not sure, it might depend on the device), then it'll sound the same as superimpose.

iter will work the same way with MIDI as it does with anything else.

If you run :t on a function e.g. :t iter and see it's working on a general kind of pattern type like Pattern a or Pattern Num (which would be shown as something like Num a => Pattern a) then you know it works the same with any kind of pattern. If it's working on Pattern ControlMap or its alias ControlPattern then you know it's doing something with controlpatterns like effects, and in that case you might find that it's doing something that the superdirt MIDI implementation or your particular MIDI device might ignore.


Another point is that MIDI effects including panning generally affects the whole instrument rather than an individual note.. i.e. all effects are global, so patterning might not work well for polyphonic patterns for that reason.

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I've been working with Tidal and Midi exclusively for a while. Stumbled on to Striate and Chop right away. It's a good way to get some strange divisions into the pattern. I'd love to hear more experiments to try with midi.

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