MacOS people, don't click that upgrade button

MacOS Tidal people! It's best to avoid upgrading to the new macos version 11 'big sur' for now. It has a lot of problems with supercollider and therefore superdirt, and most tidal installs.


I was thinking about clicking that button. Thanks a lot for this hint.


i just got a new imac pro and the thing is fast as poo but some stuff does not work
I WAS able to get SuperCollider Working with a bleeding edge build of SuperCollider 3.11.2 Bleeding Edge works on Big Sur 11.1

So i got cocky and i went for Tidalycycles because it's always some new challenge :slight_smile:
Anyway every thing installs EXCEPT i dont get a ghci from the script

So i just cabal installed the ghci & tidal again since the script said it was doing it but did not so it was easier to just do it all from scratch

Tidal works fine on Big Sur with SC 3.11.2 :slight_smile:




I've got Tidal running on BigSur with the latest Supercollider and Haskell.
I'm getting an error when I use tabs in VSCode. Any ideas why? (It still runs btw).

Warning: GHCi | 
Warning: GHCi | <interactive>:234:1: warning: [-Wtabs]
Warning: GHCi |     Tab character found here, and in two further locations.
Warning: GHCi |     Please use spaces instead.

I don't know if it can help you but some code editors have an option to convert any tabulation into four spaces. Some languages / interfaces do not like tabs at all, old debate. Take a look at this SO topic here.

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That looks like a warning, not an error. But as @raph said, there will be a way to stop vscode from making 'real' tabs and instead indenting using spaces.

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