Meaningful application of jux / juxBy


I am quite sure this question is the result of my poor understanding so I'd be grateful if someone helped to enlighten me:

I seems that there are scenarios where jux (or juxBy) can not really applied in a meaningful way. I am a bit confused why this is but am sure there is a simple explanation.

-- very nice effect, audible is the original and the panned variation
d1 $ juxBy 0.5 (fast 1.5) $ s "bd ~ can can:4"

-- there is no panning resp. application only in the right channel audible - it almost sounds ...
d1 $ juxBy 0.5 ((# delay 0.5) . (# delayt 0.25)) $ s "bd ~ can can:4"

-- like superimpose ...
d1 $ superimpose ((# delay 0.5) . (# delayt 0.25)) $ s "bd ~ can can:4"

-- Why is that?

The docs say: " The jux function creates strange stereo effects, by applying a function to a pattern, but only in the right-hand channel."

So I guess my expectation is simply wrong: I first assumed that jux would create a copy of the pattern and put the copy and its delay in the right channel. The more I think about it this idea, this is by no means obvious. So I am very interested in what jux in this case actually is supposed to do.

That does not work as expected because delay is a global effect, so, it affects all the events in the same "connection" (d1)


Yes, if you look at your BootTidal.hs, you'll see that d1 adds orbit 1 (or it might be orbit 0, I don't remember offhand). Each orbit has its own set of global effects such as delay and reverb, so you can pattern them separately in d1, d2, etc, but not within them.

You can just add an unsused orbit to the jux to fix it:

d1 $ juxBy 0.5 ((# delay 0.5) . (# delayt 0.25) . (# orbit 11)) $ s "bd ~ can can:4"

You can increase the total number of orbits in your superdirt startup, the default is 12.

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Thanks to both of you for this clarification!