running on Win 11
installed everything through the auto-installer but I keep getting this message when trying to boot Tidal in Atom
C:\Users\zi.atom\packages\tidalcycles\lib\BootTidal.hs:42:41: error:
Not in scope: Sound.Tidal.Transition.mortalOverlay' NB: no module named Sound.Tidal.Transition' is imported.
42 | forId i t = transition tidal False (Sound.Tidal.Transition.mortalOverlay t) i
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
@ WARNING: Installation might not be completed as desired!
The command "cabal install [TARGETS]" doesn't expose libraries.
* You might have wanted to add them as dependencies to your package. In this
case add "tidal" to the build-depends field(s) of your package's .cabal file.
* You might have wanted to add them to a GHC environment. In this case use
"cabal install --lib tidal". The "--lib" flag is provisional: see for more information.
Try this, it worked for me and some other people:
Uninstall ghc and tidal, completely delete the c:\tools and c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\cabal folders and reinstall by hand:
When I install tidal it says this following the step above:
PS C:\Users\admin> cabal install tidal-1.8.1 --lib
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.10.7 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- network- (lib:network) (requires build)
- hosc-0.19.1 (lib) (requires build)
- tidal-1.8.1 (lib) (requires build)
Starting network- (all, legacy fallback)
Failed to build network- The failure occurred during the configure
Build log (
Configuring network-
Error: cabal.exe: The package has a './configure' script. If you are on
Windows, This requires a Unix compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or
Cygwin. If you are not on Windows, ensure that an 'sh' command is discoverable
in your path.
Error: cabal.exe: Failed to build network- (which is required by
tidal-1.8.1). See the build log above for details.
This happens if cabal can't find the executables in c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin. Make sure the former installations went without problems, and that you have correctly added this path to the system path.
Could you explain how to uninstall ghc and tidal? Do I do it through Powershell? With Choco or Cabal? I tried typing "choco uninstall ghc" into Powershell and got the error message:
ghc not uninstalled. An error occurred during uninstall:
Unable to uninstall 'ghc 8.10.7' because 'haskell-dev 0.0.1' depends on it.
Nevermind! @joanq, after going through those instructions and using --force to force reinstalls of ghc and msys2, it worked! Thanks for your help! I hope that someday the install process for Tidalcycles is more accessible!