Numbered notes and "elongate" `_`

After great help with transposition, I'm trying out elongation with "_", to get some tied notes. The following gives a half note C and quarter notes E and G, all good:

"c _ e g"

However, if the lettered notes are replaced with numbered notes, the first note takes up 4/5 of the cycle. Edit: I realize the 4 acts as an argument to the _, that's why.

"0 _ 4 7" :: Pattern Int


Adding brackets around the note 4 following the elongator restores the pattern:

"0 _ [4] 7" :: Pattern Int


Is this the right way to do it, i.e., adding brackets?


We actually made some changes to the parser quite recently, which should be included in the next version of tidal.

In the new version, a space after one of the mini operators (like _, @, ?, *, /) will seperate it from the following.

In your example "0 _ 4 7" :: Pattern Int will yield what you expected, i.e.


while "0_4 7" :: Pattern Int will yield


For now, your fix with the brackets is probably the best solution :slight_smile:

This sounds perfect. Many thanks for taking the time to clarify -- and then we'll all look forward to the next version :slight_smile:

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