Hi everybody, I made a quick tutorial on setting up Open Stage Control to control TidalCycles variables. It's very useful to me and I hope you may find it too
1. Open Stage Control Mixer
- Choose the port of your preference for OSC communication
- Create widgets, and set their
2. SuperCollider Boot File
- Add the following to your
(you can find it by clicking on **File > **)
OSCdef(\controltidal, { arg msg; NetAddr.new("localhost", 6010).sendMsg("/ctrl", *msg); }, '/ctrl', NetAddr.localAddr );
- Remember to set the port (6010) according to the one you chose in step 1
3. Tidalcycles Boot File
- Add the following to your boot.tidal`. In case you don't have one, you can start with the default one provided on its website.
tidal <- startTidal (superdirtTarget { oLatency = 0.1, oAddress = "", oPort = 57120}) (defaultConfig { cFrameTimespan = 1/20 , cCtrlAddr = "" , cCtrlPort = 6010 })
- Remember to set the port (6010) according to the one you chose in step 1
Link to full post: https://ghales.top/posts/open-stage-control-tidal