OSC Fails (?)

Using some boiler code from the tidalcycles website, but I am getting an error at the end of the chain of the commands below:

let target =
      Target {oName = "visualiser",   -- A friendly name for the target (only used in error messages)
              oAddress = "localhost", -- The target's network address, normally "localhost"
              oPort = 57122,           -- The network port the target is listening on
              oLatency = 0.2,         -- Additional delay, to smooth out network jitter/get things in sync
              oSchedule = Live,       -- The scheduling method - see below
              oWindow = Nothing,      -- Not yet used
              oHandshake = False,     -- SuperDirt specific
              oBusPort = Nothing      -- Also SuperDirt specific
    oscplay = OSC "/play" $ ArgList [("s", Nothing),
                                     ("vowel", Just $ VS "a"),
                                     ("pan", Just $ VF 0.5),
                                     ("volume", Just $ VF 1),
                                     ("cut", Just $ VI 1),
                                     ("intensity", Just $ VI 0)
    intensity = pF "intensity"
    oscmap = [(target, [oscplay])]

stream <- startStream defaultConfig oscmap

let x1 = streamReplace stream 1
    x2 = streamReplace stream 2
    x3 = streamReplace stream 3
    x4 = streamReplace stream 4

stream <- startStream defaultConfig oscmap

d = streamReplace stream

d 1 $ s "bd" 

Returns this below:

Installed in ~/.local/share/aarch64-osx-ghc-9.8.1/tidal-1.9.4
Listening for external controls on
That port isn't available, perhaps another Tidal instance is already listening on that port?