Re-distribute tidalcycles/Dirt-Samples

hello everyone and merry Christmas holidays.
I would like to include all(or part) and maybe with some addition the Dirt-Samples in my Phausto repository, as I am planning to use Phausto as the audio engine for Coypu (the Pharo live coding package).
Pharo, Phausto, Coypu are free and open-source and the samples will be properly credited (and I will be happy to contribute with sounds from my analog drum machines too)

The dirt-samples as I understand are potentially of somewhat unknown/dubious origin - there was a project started to rectify this:

It's mainly a SuperCollider quark with a bunch of linked github repos:


Yes the provenance of the contents of Dirt-Samples is largely unknown, it would be great to someday finish coming up with a properly sourced default sample pack.