Does anyone know how to set tidal with nix as package manager?
(This has probably been discussed here, but I couldn't find it.)
I'm using emacs as editor and tried:
nix-shell -p emacs ghc haskellPackages.tidal emacsPackages.tidal cabal-install supercollider-with-sc3-plugins
Then I added this to my emacs config file:
(setq tidal-boot-script-path "/nix/store/bzgli70i0nnwn8ksq849qhwxhlb9fiqw-tidal-1.9.2-data/share/ghc-9.2.8/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.2.8/tidal-1.9.2/BootTidal.hs")
But when I try to start tidal, I get this error:
<no location info>: error:
Could not find module `Sound.Tidal.Context'
It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
I found this, but couldn't figure how to adapt that to nix.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?