I'm running tidalcycles on an embedded SBC (Orange Pi 5 Plus, running linux) and I have a tascam Model 12 mixer connected to it using USB C. Al this is built into my (well not the mixer) is built into a modular case with a small screen and a wireless keyboard for live coding.
I'm happily running audio from multiple orbits to separate channels on my mixer using a pipewire tool to patch all this, combined with the midisynths that I drive from tidal and have audio sent into my mixer.
Now to do the live mixing, I'm using a script to visualise the RMSlevels from SuperDirt and send them over OSC to my visualiser, so I have an idea of what is going on in this sometimes complicated setup.
I'm using the simple but effective hydra-superdirt to send data to the visualizer.
// Run this to start sending the RMS OSC messages to SC.
// The bridge will be listening to OSC messages on port UDP 9130.
b = NetAddr.new("aib4.local", 9130);
// This is the RMS OSC handler, here we'll forward these messages to our bridge
OSCFunc({ |msg|
// Forward OSC message
b.sendMsg("/rms", *msg);
}, "/rms");
Now this works great for the sounds I create in TidalCycles/Superdirt, but I want to visualise the audio from the synths as well. I can bring them back into superdirt without hickups, but I want to internally patch those inputs to some of the outputs for visualisation.
So I have tidal channels1-10 (5 stereo orbits) being correctly send to the RMSsender
And I'm sending orbits 6-7-8 which is 1 mono and 2 stereo MIDI synths sent back to super collider from my sound cards capture ports.
Can I get route the signals to out 11/12(double mono) 13/14(stereo) and 15/16(stereo) in supercollider they are sent to my visualiser?
I tried
Out.ar(12, In.ar(10,1))
to route the mono channel capture_AUX5
from SC in12
to out11
but it does not seem to output anything. I can see sound coming in on the SuperCollider Levels (Ctrl-M) window, but not going out...