Sign up open for the next four weeks of the Learning Tidalcycles course!

You can sign up as before here:

As before, it's pay-as-you-feel for a batch of four weeks worth of lessons. Once you signup, as long as you use the same email address, you should automatically get access to the next set of lessons, which will appear here:

Any troubles, please let me know!

I'm switching from calling it cycle0, cycle1 etc, to just 'weeks 1-4' and (for the next set) 'weeks 5-8', to be a bit clearer!

The structure of the next four weeks is below, subject to change but will likely look a lot like this. I've not put anything up yet, but am aiming for an 'official' start on Monday.. Although I'll likely get the first video and so on before that, over the weekend. Some things, like live streams, will continue to be available to people who have signed up to any part of the course.

Week 5 – Tonality
    Melodies and chords
    Controlling supercollider synths
Week 6 – More tonality
    Controlling MIDI
    Controlling visuals and other things with OSC
Week 7 – music production
    Review of effects
    Longer form composition with “ur” – patterns of patterns
    Sending sound to a DAW (digital audio workstation)
    Working with ‘snippets’
    Live streaming
Week 8 – Deeper into functions
    Manipulating time
    Combining functions
    Making shorthands

I'll continue to reorganise the course categories over the next day or two, apologies for confusion in the meantime, hopefully things will eventually be easier to navigate.

Here once more is the link for the week 5-8 signup:
Tidal club membership – weeks 5 to 8 – TidalCycles blog


p.s. if you haven't signed up for the first lot yet, you can do that here: Tidal club membership – weeks 1 to 4 – TidalCycles blog


I'm there!


Dear Alex, I am trying to access the set of lessons however am having trouble. I might have used different email addresses when did the payd as you feel process two months ago.

I just completed the order in the tidal blog for the first four weeks with the same email address, hopefully it will work now!.

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