Some sound crash


very strange story lately.

For some reason, my sound output is constantly breaking. since I am not a programmer at all, it is quite possible that I am mistaken somewhere at the code level or this is a bug.

any comments are welcome. Thanks!

xfade 128 $ stack [
        fast 4
        $ jux ((|+ note 12). (# gain 0.8))
        $ every 2 ((fast 2). (# attack 0.01 ). (# release 0.9))
        $ every 15 ((slow 2). (struct "1 0 0 0"). (# legato 2))
        $ struct "1 1 0 0"
        $ note "c5'min b4'min(2,3)"
        # s "supersaw(2,3, 1 0)"
        # legato 1.8
        # bpf (range 100 500 $ fast 3 saw)
        # voice 0.05
        # octave 3
        # release 0.2
        # begin 0.1
        # xsdelay 0.2
        # coarse 3 
        ]# shape 0.2 # delay 0.3 # delayt 0.5 # delayfb 0.6 # room 0.5 |+ sz 0.3

my startup:

//запуск TidalCycles

s.waitForBoot {
    ~dirt = SuperDirt(2, s); // two output channels
    ~dirt.loadSoundFiles("/Users/admin/Desktop/TCSMPLS/*"); // specify sample folder to load
    s.sync; // wait for supercollider to finish booting up
    ~dirt.start(57120, 0 ! 12); // start superdirt, listening on port 57120, create twelve orbits each sending audio to channel 0


osx 10.14.6

Hi, how does it break and are there any error messages?

when trying to run a script to load samples from other sources, this error occurs

exception in real time: alloc failed, increase server's memory allocation (e.g. via ServerOptions)

you can try increasing memory available to the supercollider server,

Server.default.options.memSize = 8192*10; 

changing some of the other ServerOptions could also help

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