SuperDirt doesn't support SynthDef variants, but you can add them

Here is an issue posted by mantsar: SuperDirt does not recognize SynthDef variants · Issue #279 · musikinformatik/SuperDirt · GitHub
SynthDef variants are a bit of a rarely used feauture in SuperCollider, so we never supported them in SuperDirt.

It would impose extra complexity, so I think we won't ...

But, here is how you can add them yourself:

SynthDef(\vartest, { |out, freq = 440, amp = 0.2, a = 0.01, r = 1|
  // the EnvGen with doneAction: Done.freeSelf frees the synth automatically when done,!2, 0,, r, amp), doneAction: Done.freeSelf)));
}, variants: (alpha: [a: 0.5, r: 0.5], beta: [a: 3, r: 0.01], gamma: [a: 0.01, r: 4])

Synth('vartest.alpha'); // works.

// some tests from within sclang
SuperDirt.default = ~dirt;
(type:\dirt, orbit:0, s: 'vartest').play; // works
(type:\dirt, orbit:0, s: 'vartest.alpha').play; // doesn't work.
(type:\dirt, orbit:0, instrument: 'vartest.alpha').play;

// this is how you can do it:
	(playInside: { |e|
		var name = if(~variant.notNil) {  'vartest.' ++ ~variant } { 'vartest' };
		// make sure that you play it in the ~synthGroup and to the out
		(instrument: name, out: ~out, freq: ~freq, amp: ~amp, group: ~synthGroup).play

SuperDirt.default = ~dirt;
(type:\dirt, orbit:0, s: 'vartest').play;
(type:\dirt, orbit:0, s: 'vartest', variant: \alpha).play;
(type:\dirt, orbit:0, s: 'vartest', variant: \beta).play;

// or more general, if you wan to add more variants:
~addVariantSynth = { |name|
		(playInside: { |e|
			var instrument = if(~variant.notNil) { format("%.%", name, ~variant) } { 'vartest' };
			// make sure that you play it in the ~synthGroup and to the out
			(instrument: instrument, out: ~out, freq: ~freq, amp: ~amp, group: ~synthGroup).play

SynthDef(\vartest_2, { |out, freq = 440, amp = 0.2, a = 0.01, r = 1|
  // the EnvGen with doneAction: Done.freeSelf frees the synth automatically when done,!2, 0,, r, amp), doneAction: Done.freeSelf)));
}, variants: (alpha: [a: 0.5, r: 0.5], beta: [a: 3, r: 0.01], gamma: [a: 0.01, r: 4])

(type:\dirt, orbit:0, s: 'vartest_2', variant: \alpha).play;

For playing in tidal, you just need to add the variant variable:

-- | parameters for the SynthDefs: vartest_2
let (a, a_p) = pF "a" (Nothing)
    (freq, freq_p) = pF "freq" (Nothing)
    (r, r_p) = pF "r" (Nothing)