Synchrozing DAW and Tidal using Carabiner

Hello all!

I've recently been able to get the Ableton Link functionality working with Tidal through use of Carabiner. It's very exciting, and I'm looking forward to using it to record. However, I was wondering if there's a way to synchronize the trigger to begin recording in Ableton with the command the begin playing a sequence in Tidal. For clarification, I'm on Windows 10 and using the Atom plugin and SuperCollider IDE.

@Iannzach, I don't know if this information is still useful, but I thought I would reply just to record one possible solution to this problem.

It should be possible to midi map the record button in Ableton to a note or CC value and then send a midi pattern from tidal using something like the following:

do {
  once $ s "midi" #note 5; -- this would be the midi value you mapped to the record button in Ableton
  d1 $  ... the pattern you mean to record ...;