Thoughts on the course

Thanks everyone who made it for the live stream, you can watch on catch up here.

We're quite a bit ahead of the plan already. The mini-notation week was originally going to be a fairly gentle introduction.. I imagined doing one video per week, but we've got most of it covered over three of them already. But please don't worry if you've not got through everything yet. We'll pick up questions on old posts so ask away.

Week two is going to be mainly about effects. SuperDirt has a wide range of fun effects - distortion, reverb and other filters. You can pattern these separately to the sounds they're working on, so there's some mind-bending fun ahead, especially when we start taking a closer look at how different kinds of patterns get combined into one.

Towards the end of the week we'll start looking at a few functions for manipulating the fabric of time, and think about doing some creative tasks.. Onwards!