@joanq and @HighHarmonics are coordinating efforts for a community supported Blog on the Tidal Cycles website. The goal is to have regular, short to medium posts of interest to the broader Tidal community. We are starting with a set of Tidal Contributor Profiles. Check out the first profile by @cleary (Bernard Gray) - including his contributions to Tidal, livecoding thoughts and music:
Bernard contributes a lot for the Tidal community and regularly reaches out to help support others. His profile includes contribution details, links to his code, music, Weekend Jams, etc.
More contributor profiles will follow soon (hint, hint..)
We also want other topics, ideas include: new developments, music made with Tidal, founders corner, event coverage, Tidal / livecoding across the globe, Tidal+ other sw, unique uses and configurations, and .... . Please consider this an invitation to write a post or propose an idea. And if you are a Tidal contributor - via code, documentation, editor plugins, events, support, etc please consider submitting a Contributors profile. It's great to learn about what people contribute and what livecoding music they create. We have a markdown template here including instructions for how to submit.
For questions or suggestions, you can message @HighHarmonics or @joanq here or on Discord.
New Blog Post - Tidal Profile: tedthetrumpet (J Simon van der Walt)
@tedthetrumpet has submitted his Tidal Profle to the Blog. Check it out! It includes a nice discussion of livecoding approaches and use of "random but fixed patterns that repeat themselves" as well as info on using "gamelan samples and ideas." And he notes that "livecoding saved my musical creativity..." Links include music in Estuary and his Solstice stream. Thanks ttt!
I love this: "get a lot of music going with very little typing" - because Tidalcycles, being Haskell, has very strong typing!
Also, this is brilliant, about the British Stockhausen: who . Read the full story (browse the site) before ordering ‘Dancing Diodes’ (1974) and others.
Included is a fascinating discussion of his involvement with Tidal, livecoding, and how this led to his new livecoding environment Sardine. He talks about using Tidal with all kinds of gear - and how the emphasis on rhythm in using Tidal "pushes you to explore some aspects of music you might be neglecting."
He also talks about having fun, tinkering, always discovering, playing with friends, and more:
What I love playing the most with Tidal is hard/fast rhythmic music! Meaning a deluge of drums, saturation and distortion, mangled samples, etc...
Playing with a large collection of samples, without ordering or sorting them beforehand. Iterating through a directory, finding iterations that sound good."
And anyone who uses Tidal's user documentation has Bubo to thank for his part. He ported most of the old wiki documents and reorganized them as we have it today, providing a foundation for many others to build on.
Included are links to some really interesting/cool music on Bandcamp and YouTube videos that show ndr's "start from scratch" and "single sample runs" approach. There is a nice section of code that shows how to start with something simple superimpose + hurry and expand with other functions (chunk ) and end up unhinged with chew and bite.
Also to note are ndr's code contributions to the Atom plugin, migration to Pulsar, and enhancements to the main Tidal code - mini-notation section. Great job ndr!
Included are links to livecoding sessions with Toplap Düsseldorf where Axel contributes to livecoding events and workshops in Germany and Georgia. There are interesting code examples including isorhythm and euclidian rhythms and experiments with jwaldmann's random-not-random ideas.
The description of his livecoding music is fascinating - balancing between "dancefloor and really abstract conceptual contemporary music." (What a range!) And the livecoded music in the links is well worth the listen - at times driving rhythmic patterns but also haunting and unpredictable with interesting custom samples. And a nice sense of precision and purpose.
Froos has been a key player in building out Strudel over the past year (1,351 commits!!) This web based platform is really taking shape and froos has been a big part of that. This profile is a great read. Lots of interesting detail and links to Strudel history, music, livecoding, froos's own blog, etc.
Check out the thoughts on chord voicings, hackable harmony, and voicing dictionaries. And the music is cool - I like watching the strudel code flash by while froos jams on trumpet in the Algo 10th Birthday stream. Check it out!